I enjoy using Gitlab for internal lab environments as it has a robust api and can be automated using things like terraform
. One of things I normally use it for is creating represntaive environments with things like hooks enabled. This might looks like an example CI system thats fully built , and having a student have precreated content. However to create content in gitlab out of the box , or run something like git push --mirror
you have to disable the branch protection.
Software | Version | OS |
Gitlab | 13.8 | AWS Lambda |
Python | 3 | AWS Lambda |
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Usage: GITLAB_PASSWORD=thepassword ./disable_branch_protection.py
import gitlab
import requests
import json
import os
import requests
GITLAB_GROUP = 'homeops-tech'
GITLAB_API_URL = 'https://gitlab.homeops.tech:443'
def get_gitlab_token(username,password):
session = requests.Session()
session.verify = '/etc/gitlab/ssl/gitlab.homeops.tech.crt'
session.keep_alive = True
# https://docs.gitlab.com/ce/api/oauth2.html#resource-owner-password-credential
url = 'https://gitlab.homeops.tech/oauth/token'
payload = {'username': username,
'password': password,
'grant_type': 'password'
r = session.post(url, data=payload, verify = '/etc/gitlab/ssl/gitlab.homeops.tech.crt')
oauth = json.loads(r.text)
api_token = oauth['access_token']
return api_token
# Python lib doesn't support this after key creation
# https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/api/deploy_keys.html#enable-a-deploy-key
# This allows students to push to this repo with deploy key
def update_ssh_key():
project = gl.projects.get('homeops-tech/control-repo')
url = '%s/api/v4/projects/%s' % (GITLAB_API_URL,project.id)
payload = {'default_branch': 'master'}
headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer %s' % api_token }
r = requests.put(url, data=payload, verify=False, headers=headers)
if r.status_code == 200:
print "\tUpdated Deploy Key push access"
print "\tUnable to update deploy key access"
api_token = get_gitlab_token(GITLAB_ADMIN,os.environ['GITLAB_PASSWORD'])
gl = gitlab.Gitlab(GITLAB_API_URL, oauth_token=api_token,ssl_verify=False)
project = gl.projects.get('homeops-tech/control-repo')
branch = project.branches.get('master')
This script will use the local SSL certificate to validate the connection. You can pusht the password via
GITLAB_PASSWORD=thepassword ./disable_branch_protection.py
The Python module supports many other options for automating common tasks
Working with Branches
def create_student_branches(n):
branch = project.branches.create({'branch': "student%s" % n,
'ref': 'production'})
except gitlab.exceptions.GitlabCreateError:
print "\tstudent%s branch already exists" % n
def protect_branch():
branch = project.branches.get('production')
This example code can create a branch and protect it.
Working with Users
Add a user to the developer group.
# Add the users to the puppet group as a developer
def add_students_to_group(n):
student = gl.users.list(username="student%s" % n)[0]
member = group.members.create({'user_id': student.id,
'access_level': gitlab.DEVELOPER_ACCESS})
except gitlab.exceptions.GitlabCreateError:
print "\tstudent%s already a member of group" % n
Create a user
# Create the student accounts
def create_students(n):
user = gl.users.create({'email': "student%s@homeops.tech" % n,
'password': 'learn',
'username': "student%s" % n,
'skip_confirmation': True,
'name': "student %s" % n})
except gitlab.exceptions.GitlabCreateError:
print "\tstudent%s already created" % n
# Skip the confirmation if user already created
student = gl.users.list(username="student%s" % n)[0]
student.skip_confirmation = True
Create a repo
def create_module_repo(n):
student = gl.users.list(username="student%s" % n)[0]
user_project = student.projects.create({'name': 'time',
'description': 'Example Puppet Module',
except gitlab.exceptions.GitlabCreateError:
print "\t%s already has a time module created" % student.name
user_project = student.projects.list(name=MODULE_REPO)[0]
Creating a new project
You can create projects and enable a deploy key for them
api_token = get_gitlab_token(GITLAB_ADMIN,os.environ['GITLAB_PASSWORD'])
gl = gitlab.Gitlab(GITLAB_API_URL, oauth_token=api_token,ssl_verify=False)
project = gl.projects.get('homeops-tech/control-repo')
key = project.keys.create({'title': 'Student SSH Key',
'key': open('/root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub').read(),
'can_push': True,})
Create a webhook for a project
def add_project_hook(module_name):
project = gl.projects.get('homeops-tech/%s' % module_name)
project.hooks.create({'url': 'https://puppet.homeops.tech:8170/code-manager/v1/webhook?type=gitlab&token=%s' % (rbac_token),
'push_events': 1, 'enable_ssl_verification': False})
This is an exmple of using Gitlab to configure a webhook for a given module repo. This example is using code manager with Puppet Enterprise You can retreive a RBAC token with the following example code:
def get_rbac_token():
data = json.dumps({'login': 'admin',
'password': 'defaultpassword',
'label' : 'gitlab_webhook',
'description' : 'This is the token used for the Gitlab Webhooks',
'lifetime': '0'})
r = requests.post('https://puppet.homeops.tech:4433/rbac-api/v1/auth/token',
return json.loads(r.text)['token']
This example calls out to the RBAC API in puppet enterprise to get the Gitlab Token for code manager.
Import a project
Gitlab has the ability to export a repo with all its metadata. You can then import this template via a tar.gz. file.
output = gl.projects.import_project(open('/tmp/export.tgz', 'rb'), 'control-repo',group.id)
# Get a ProjectImport object to track the import status
project_import = gl.projects.get(output['id'], lazy=True).imports.get()
while project_import.import_status != 'finished':